The Time Unraveller

Find out what came before you. What little quirks of history lead to your existence and who were the protagonists in the story of your DNA.

At The Time Unraveller we will undertake the investigation that will tell that story for you. We will research your ancestry and tell you your own unique story.  We believe in putting the meat on the bones and telling the story of the real people who were your ancestors. What they did, where they lived and the history around them.

We will provide you with a tree of your ancestry and a written chronology of their times.  We will put all our experience and passion into the task of researching all available avenues to provide you with your history, the story of your being.  We will utilise on-line and real-world resources, where possible visit locations of houses or burials to provide as much evidence and any remaining tangible trace of your ancestors.

We provide a range of services to unravel the mysteries of your family history.  We split your history into quarters, ie the history of each of your Grandparent and our various packages offer  a reasonably priced  variety of packages to suit your needs.  You can see our packages here.

If you have tried and not got anywhere or haven’t the time to do it yourself, let the Time Unraveller reveal your story.